Oct 13 2010
“Because steel buildings are naturally Green and because we want to do our part to be environmentally responsible, Universal Steel Buildings Corp., sole supplier of Olympia Steel Buildings has joined the U.S. Green Building Council to demonstrate our support of sustainable building practices and commitment to Green Building principles and design,” stated Arnold Davis, President of Universal Steel Buildings Corp.
Pre-engineered steel buildings are an innovative building solution featuring solid steel I-beam building construction and they are leading the way in the Green building movement, meeting Green building design goals with innovative building design, engineering and use of materials. “Steel buildings are durable, cost effective, energy efficient, and Green,” asserts Davis. "Sustainable pre-engineered steel buildings can qualify for LEED certification."
Sustainable, Green, Olympia Steel Buildings
There are many attributes that qualify pre-engineered steel buildings as sustainable, energy-efficient and Green. Pre-engineered steel buildings employ sustainable building design and construction. Steel building components are manufactured to precise specifications in a metal building factory using the highest grade commercial American made steel available. Modern American steel manufacturers employ energy efficient methods in steel production that help substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The steel used in metal buildings manufacture has a high proportion of recycled content. Steel building construction does not require cutting down valuable old growth forests. When a steel building is razed to make way for new building construction, the steel can be recycled, not dumped into landfills as are asphalt shingles, concrete, brick and wood. Steel can be recycled over and over again without loss of the quality of the steel. More steel is recycled than all other recyclable materials combined. “Cool” paints for steel buildings and metal roofing reflect up to 70 percent of the suns rays acting as a thermal barrier to keep the inside of metal buildings cooler. Metal roofs can also save energy and the environment in cooler climates. A painted metal roof not only reflects heat in summer, but also retains heat inside the building on cool days, saving on heating costs and keeping the indoor environment healthy and comfortable in both summer and winter.
“What this means to you, the customer, is that when you purchase an Olympia Steel Building, you will have the opportunity to save money and build Green with the latest in Green building technologies,” affirms Davis. “You may qualify for energy credit under the Federal tax codes, and you will be able to apply for LEED certification for your building project.”
Source: http://www.OlympiaBuildings.com/