Eco Building Products All Set to Introduce its Lumber Line in Australia

Eco Building Products, Inc., announced today that the Company will see its products potentially on the shelf of DIY retail stores across Australia before the end of the year as made possible by ECOB's Australian affiliate and sales agency, Eco Red Building Products Australia PTY LTD. The Australian summer is soon approaching, and many Australians are anticipating yet another scorching season threatening both their property and livelihood.

Brushfires in Australia are frequently occurring events during the hotter months of the year due to Australia's natural hot and dry climate. As a result, every year large areas of land are ravaged by brushfires, resulting in extensive property damage and loss of life. It is for this purpose and other channel opportunities that we have made the move to conduct business in this strategic region of the world.

On the 7th of February 2009, the Black Saturday brushfires scarred the nation with a series of catastrophic fires that ignited across the Australian state of Victoria during extreme weather conditions. Consuming 450,000 hectare's enduring one month plus; these seasonal fires destroyed several regional towns, 2,200 private residences, and were combated by over 5,000 firefighting personnel. "Australia has had its share of devastating events caused by fires, and we are very excited about introducing Eco Red ShieldTM protected lumber products to this market. We are certain that these products have the potential to protect many properties and lives, and are confident that the authorities also recognize the need," stated Shawn Simmons, Operations Manager, Eco Red Building Products Australia.

"We see a huge demand in Australia for ECOB's range of defensive products. Through ECOB, we see that we can educate the community that there are cost-effective solutions now available, capable of preventing and managing these seasonal disasters and the associated costly damage in their own back yard," says Damian Bartholomeusz, Manager of Finance & Regulations, Eco Red Building Products Australia.

While floods, fires and storms get a lot of media attention annually, there is actually a far worse natural disaster that affects Australia on a daily basis – termites. Each year, termites cost this country more than all of the floods, fires and storms combined, with damages estimated at $100 million. "Finally, we can offer our clients an all-in-one solution to protect their lumber and complete framing packages against termites, mold, wood-rot, and fire. There is no other product available in the market today which is environmentally friendly and provides this level of protection for lumber," says Shane Simmons, Manager of Marketing and Client Acquisition, Eco Red Building Products Australia.

"At ECOB, we were very interested in teaming up with Shawn and his Team because the country of Australia shares the same issues we face here in North America. ECOB's advance framing lumber and defensive product line should have a great impact in Australia. Our goal is to first create demand for our product line as we simultaneously develop the plan for where we will set up the first coating facility. And to add further support to our decision, the fact that a large quantity of the lumber grown in the Pacific Northwest leaves for Australia, I knew this group was the right fit for Eco," stated Steve Conboy, President/CEO, Eco Building Products, Inc.

About Eco Red Building Products Australia
The executive team is located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Brisbane is a city of over 2 million people and is Australia's third largest city. Currently, the Brisbane region and Queensland is experiencing one of the best growth rates in the country. The building and construction industry has continued to sustain its growth through the global financial crisis and until today. The continuing demand for new homes and infrastructure makes Queensland the ideal region to introduce Eco Red Shield products in to Australia.

For further information contact:
Eco Red Building Products Australia PTY LTD
Shawn Simmons
Tel: +61468760750

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