Jun 2 2014
Eco Building Products, Inc. a leading manufacturer and supplier of fire-resistant, water-resistant, mold- resistant and termite-resistant treated wood and lumber products announced today the completion of New York's first "Defensive Home" ever built with wood and lumber products.
The home is the first of many to be built for hurricane sandy victims and streamed live as construction is underway starting today at 2pm ET. The new homes built with Eco Red Shield ™ wood and lumber have been specially treated to withstand fire, water, mold and termites to ensure its structural integrity will never be compromised again by hurricane floods, wildfire, water leaks and insects like termites.
Eco Building Products, Inc. Photograph of a Eco Red Shield House rebuild in Breezy Point, New York with fire resistant, water resistant, mold resistant and termite resistant wood and lumber - PR and Marketing by 1800PublicRelations
CEO Steve Conboy stated, "We are committed to helping residents of New York and New Jersey with their home rebuilds. Homeowners in the tri-state will no longer have to worry about material water, fire, mold or termite damage for the life of the their homes. Our Treated wood and lumber products helps with lowering homeownership costs, adds resale value to homes built with our Eco Red Shield ™ wood and lumber and in many states leads to lower home owners insurance rates."
Eco Red Shield ™ Water, fire, mold and termite resistant wood and lumber can be found in select Home Depot's throughout the tri-state area (New Jersey, New York) as well as other select locations or visit our store locator at http://www.ecob.net/index.php?p=products&id=152.
Tune in today to see the fist home which will be completed by June 14th and streamed live daily from 4-7pm ET, the show will follow the Eco Red Shield ™ team, management and staff as they cut, fit and hammer the final nails to complete the home construction for viewer education and evaluation purposes.
Live streaming coverage will commence on June 2nd from 5:00pm-6:30 pm, courtesy of NJ Discover. See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xkp2bCg1hHg&feature=share
About Eco Building Products, Inc:
Eco Building Products, Inc. is a manufacturer of treated wood and lumber products that are protected against fire, mold/mycotoxins, fungus, rot-decay, wood ingesting insects and termites by our proprietary eco-friendly chemistry utilizing ECOB WoodSurfaceFilm™ and FRC™ technology (Fire Retardant Coating). Eco Building products, "Eco Red Shield" utilizing patent pending technology is the ultimate in wood protection, preservation, and fire safety to building components constructed of wood; from joists, beams and paneling, to floors and ceilings. To learn more about Eco Building Products visit our website at www.ecob.net