The Ghent District is a historic neighborhood in Norfolk, Virginia, listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Over several decades, it has undergone extensive urban renewal and preservation projects to become the vibrant and eclectic neighborhood it is today, with its signature mix of 19th-century architecture, youth culture, art, and environmental care.
Image Credit: glazer Walker & Laberge Company, Inc.
When designing the TowneBank branch in Ghent, great care was taken to fit both the style and the spirit of the unique neighborhood. The new building features a 5000 Series™ thermal steel door and Landmark175™ Series steel windows with Hope’s award-winning Thermal Evolution™ technology.
Environmental responsibility and energy efficiency were just a couple of the reasons that the bank chose Hope’s for the new construction of its “hipster-friendly” branch which offers complimentary Starbucks coffee, a lounge with electronics charging stations, multimedia community bulletin boards, and an outdoor doggie water fountain.
Hope’s thermally-enhanced, solid hot-rolled steel windows reinforce the bank’s traditional image of strength, security, and longevity with a look that fits right in with the historic district.