Jun 17 2008
Landlubbers and salty sea dogs alike found their way to the fifth annual Avon Heritage Duct Tape Festival this past weekend. Hosted in the "Duct Tape Capital" of the world and home of Duck(R) brand duct tape - Avon, Ohio - the festival boasted traditional favorites, such as rides, food and games, along with a theme of pirates that was seen throughout the festival grounds from larger-than-life duct tape sculptures to a 17-float duct tape parade.
A duct tape parade featuring duct tape pirate floats was one of the many activities that visitors to the Avon Heritage Duct Tape Festival enjoyed over Father's Day weekend
Henkel Corporation, marketer of Duck(R) brand duct tape, and title sponsor of the event, brought duct tape creativity to life and featured everything from crafts and games to fashion and contests. Kids and adults alike were even able to try their hand at crafting duct tape pirate eye patches and their own pirate flags. The weekend-long celebration also included a treasure hunt throughout the festival grounds where participants went to each of the 13 pirate-themed duct tape sculptures to decode the
day's message and walk away with a piece of the treasure.
Visitors were able to vote for their favorite Duck(R) brand duct tape Stuck at Prom(R) couple. The couple with the most votes will win the Duck(R) brand duct tape Stuck at Prom(R) Scholarship Contest, a contest that challenges high school students to create and wear duct tape formalwear to their proms for the chance to win scholarship dollars.
Duck(R) brand duct tape is available nationally at mass merchandise, hardware and craft retailers. Duck(R) brand duct tape is available in 20 colors and patterns, including aqua, camouflage, fluorescent green, pink, orange and yellow, standard silver, and an assortment of other traditional colors such as red, yellow, black and blue. More information on where to buy Duck(R) brand duct tape is listed at http://www.DuckTapeClub.com .